Diamond Approach New Zealand
The Diamond Approach has been taught in New Zealand since 2008.
The established group (DANZ1) meets twice a year at the Tauhara Centre near Taupo for weeklong residential retreats, with conference calls and webinars during the interim. Over 50 students attend from both the North and South Islands, and from Australia.
A second group (DANZ2) is currently forming, and will begin in-person retreats in 2023. Initially retreats will follow a weekend format (Friday evening to Sunday afternoon). Once the group is established the format may change depending on what is optimal for everyone.
We are currently inviting expressions of interest from students who are sincerely interested in self discovery and spiritual realisation.
If you are interested in discovering, realising and living your essential qualities, you are warmly invited to join us, to see if you resonate with the teachers, the teaching and the path.
To participate in these Diamond Approach New Zealand events, or express your interest in joining the new group, please contact Linley Carpenter, linleyc63@gmail.com. Mob: 0064 274 592 756.
You can also follow DANZ on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/diamondapproachnz/