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Practical Wisdom

Practical Wisdom

A conversation with A.H. Almaas, hosted by Maurizio & Zaya Benazzo.

Key insights

  • The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the interconnectedness of humanity, emphasizing that there is no separation between nations or races.
  • Some people rise to the occasion during difficult challenges and use it as an opportunity for personal growth and to make a positive impact on their community.
  • Awakening during challenging times can deepen one's spiritual practice and lead to personal growth and transformation.
  • There is an opportunity for individuals with spiritual understanding to put their knowledge into practice and make a positive impact on themselves and the world.
  • The fear of death is a powerful force that has caused the world to pause and react to the pandemic like nothing else before.
  • Our spiritual nature can be experienced through the manifestation of true conscience, which brings a sense of immensity and protection of truth and reality.
  • True consciousness infuses our everyday actions, expressing itself as both immensity and delicacy, creating a sublime and terrifying beauty.
  • Not knowing is the beginning of transformation and entry into a different realm, making it good news for those engaged in a spiritual practice.


Practical Wisdom

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