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Runaway Realization

Runaway Realization

A. H. Almaas at the Science and Nonduality Conference 2014

  • The video is an interview with A.H. Almaas about his book "Runaway Realization".
  • Almaas introduces a new view, which he calls the view of totality.
  • He explains that reality is not a monolithic, static truth that can be defined in a fixed way.
  • Instead, reality is more alive and mysterious.
  • Recognizing this indeterminacy of reality is crucial to living our realization and our freedom.

"The teaching in this book is off the map. It is outside of all previous articulations of the Diamond Approach. We are in uncharted territory. This new view, which I call the view of totality, reveals that the Diamond Approach cannot be mapped because reality itself cannot be captured in a map. Reality is not a monolithic, static truth that can be defined in a fixed way. It is actually way more alive and mysterious than that. We might feel chagrined by this if we believe that we have reached some final, eternal truth about reality; or we might feel delighted by the freedom of not having an end or a goal to reach. Regardless of how we feel about it, recognizing this indeterminacy of reality is crucial to living our realization and our freedom." - A. H. Almaas

"Runaway Realization", an interview with A.H. Almaas

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