Welcome to meet:
I am a 72 years old lady, having been a therapist in analytical understanding, in Gestalt and body/ breath work, and in 25+ years a student of the Diamond Approach, a process to inner truth way beyond therapy.
I live in green Berlin and on the countryside with my husband. We both enjoy fullheartedly our 4 grandkids, their openess while exploring the many facets of life.
I offer sessions in person in Berlin and Uckermark, online via zoom is very well working as well.
The fee ranges this year between 50 and 90 €, and nobody shall turn away, because of financial hardship.
For those U 40, you can apply to the youth fund to get a yearly grant. https://dayouthfund.org/
Please talk to me.
Any questions are welcome!
Dear friends of the inner journey,
I got attracted to the Ridhwan path, when realizing in felt experience, that essential qualities tend to show up, if I stay focussed, breathing and aware of moment to moment.'
Wheather I am in the middle of rage, maybe sadness, alonenness, shame, lust and maior desire.
Wanting slowed my process, feeling the pure desire in the wanting opened heart and soul.
I and you, we can follow our personal truth. Later in the process these qualities are felt as essential beingness and than you might be granted by grace to feel, see, experience the source of all, and all of us, our true nature.
On the way I encountered my superego habits, my instinctual drives, my coping mechanisms, my securing and my deniying methods, my body tension patterns. No to be blamed for it, we all cannot help but develop these. And when I stay with the core of their function, essential qualities show up, meaning I start to feel one of them and can continue to be present with it. - this now for more than 25 years. The miracle is, this process is not ending, each moment is inviting us to become present. Grace happening.
Having been a therapist in analytical understanding, Gestalt methods and body and breath work, I am so well acquainted with many ego moves, reactions.
This work is not about therapy, allthough in the beginning a working through some habits might be happening.
This path is to free us to perceive and be your inner nature, which is a unique and at the same time universal journey.
please read above
Your inner and bodily experiences are the base. There is no wrong or right,
Only: at this moment this is perceived and awareness is.
Atune to inquiring and you might experience:
Your soul wants to unfold, once conditions for that open up.
Basic goodness is existing, allthough on the level of a single, developping ego , it might have gotten big hurts.
Essential truth exists in all non dual, serious schools of inner journey, sometimes called differently.
The path is never ending. Truth itself keeps developing.