I am available for in person and zoom individual sessions.
I had been reading Sandra Matri's book--The Spirituality of the Enneagram-- and feeling this tug toward a deeper exploration in my spiritual life. I noticed she referred to the Diamond Approach as foundational to her work and so I looked up the nearest offering. The next month I showed up at a retreat in the Midwest on Compassion. I was pretty sure I already knew a lot about compassion. I was surprised how the field of compassion in the retreat, the open ended inquiry, the holding and teaching of the teachers touched my soul in such an immediate, gentle and truthful way. My experience and knowing of compassion was expanded, as my heart opened to the hurts and love that was there. I have found the Diamond Approach to be a direct portal into the multi-dimensional expanse of my own soul and of all of reality. It begins with a love of what is true right here and now. A simple step into our direct experience.