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Enneagram Courses

Enneagram Courses

Keys to the Enneagram - Unlocking the 9 Spiritual Gifts of the Enneatypes
with Sandra Maitri and Russ Hudson

In this 11-month online course, Sandra Maitri and Russ Hudson will synthesize decades of Enneagram knowledge and teaching experience with a lifetime of Diamond Approach spiritual development and methodology to help us reconnect to our essential being through the Enneagram. The on-demand version of this course will be available soon. Sign up below to be notified.

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The Spiritual Dimension of the Enneagram

with Sandra Maitri

In this course, we will explore how the particular ‘take’ on reality at the core of each of the nine types begins, and the belief-structures, emotional patterns, and behaviors that result. In this way, we will understand the basic outlines of each of the nine types and the rationales underlying them. While the Enneagram is a very powerful and accurate map of the personality or ego structure, it does not tell us how to work through the terrain it describes. This working through only happens through inner work that encompasses both psychological understanding as well as a spiritual orientation.

The material is taught through lectures and experiential exercises to directly connect with the teaching in the immediacy of one’s own personal experience.

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